Tincture Classes
Price: $50.00
An herbal tincture is a concentrated extract in liquid form; A teaspoon of herbal tincture
provides an intensity equivalent to an 8-ounce cup of herbal tea. Tinctures are easy to take
in juice, tea, or water. In this class you will learn different methods of making Tinctures.
Iridology Analysis
Price: $65.00
As an Iridologist, she analyzes the configurations and colors of the iris of the eye and provides recommendations to clients to initiate natural regimens, including herbal applications and Aromatherapy with essential oils.
Ear seeding Meridian Therapy
Price: $65.00
It is similar to acupuncture and acupressure.
Bach Remedy Sessions $50.00
Price: $50.00
In order to choose the most appropriate Bach Flower Remedy for you, please pinpoint
how you are feeling. Then we can match the appropriate Bach remedy to that emotion.
Herbal Support
Price: $50.00
Do you have tons of leftover supplements? I will work with you
to find the herbal supplements that support your cellular repair
and that will help generate healing, energy, and robust good health.
Raindrop Essential oil Therapy
Price: $45.00
In this session we muscle test to find what essential oils that are the best
support for you. This therapy is best for people with back issues. But it also
is good for your immune system and has been known to help support other issues.
Emotional Aromatherapy Session
Price: $45.00
In this therapy, we address certain emotional situations certain Essential oils have an impact
on the limbic system and the olfactory nerve for your sence of smell. Sometimes a certain smell
triggers a memory and the way that you felt at that time. For people who have sadness it can
help support them to be more happy and at peace. I have seen it help people that have anger.
Aromatherapy Analysis
Price: $65.00
I work very hard to find the essential oils that support your emotional
well being--essential oils selected just for you that will lift your spirits,
generate enthusiasm, energy, joy, well - being, and peace.
Aromatherapy Classes with kit included.
Price: $300.00
28-separate Essential Oil vials; anise, bergamot, cedarwood, cinnamon, citronella,
clove, eucalyptus, frankincense, geranium, grapefruit, jasmine, lavender, lemon,
lemongrass, lime, neroli, orange, palmarosa, patchouli, peppermint, pine, rose,
rosemary, sage, tangerine, tea tree, wintergreen and yalng ylang. 28 - pipette
droppers, 6 carrier oils, 14 - assorted bottles, an Aromatherapy Chart, and
aromatherapy information and recipe sheet. With an honorary certification.
ASMR Sessions
- An autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR) it is a tingling sensation that usually
- begins on the scalp and moves down the back of the neck and upper spine. The term
- ASMR can also refer to media (usually audiovisual) meant to evoke this phenomenon,
- with the sensation itself being informally referred to as "tingles" Like for instance, when
- you watch somebody play with somebody else's hair. Gives you the same sensation that
- it is that person so it is very relaxing. Our problem is today that we keep ongoing and never
- take care of ourselves. Sometimes we just need to relax. Some people can't sleep so it
- can be beneficial in many ways. Your session experience can be customize your way.
- (Choose up to 10 items) - 60 minutes: $80
- (Choose up to 15 items) - 90 minutes: $100
- (Brushes, nail jewelry, chop sticks, etc.)
Tuning Fork Therapy
Price: $50.00
Tuning fork therapy is a healing technique with sound waves to give a stimulate balance
in the body with it's energy. Using carfully crafted tuning forks that are struck and placed
on certain points on the body, causing a vibrations that can resonate through our body’s
energy. The vibrations sound can help restore a balance and a harmony to our body's,
to promote a sense of well being with our body. It can also help with stress, pain, poor
circulation lymphatic stimulation, support the immune function and all our Emotions.
Realign Chakra Feilds
Price: $50.00
With all the EMF stuff around us our chakras get out of alignment and we have
to realign them to keep balanced. Sometimes we feel exhausted or we feel weak
and if we have our chakar fields aligned we can eliminate those sensations.
Color Energy Sessions
Price: $45.00
Our most important energy source is light, and colour's comes derived from light. Sunlight,
which contains all the wavelengths of how we feel and our emotions whether they be upset
or sad or happy. Colours do not travel alone. Colors have an impact on our personalities like
for instance if you want to have a intense workout ware red, it keeps your intensity going
or for instance blue is a colour that support organization and for some weight loss.
Kansa wand
Price: $65.00
Helps with your skin and circulation also brings youthfulness.